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Kick Start Healthy Habits in 2021

Writer's picture: Winchester Fit ClubWinchester Fit Club

We can safely say last year didn’t go the way many of us planned. Exactly one year ago, you may have been setting yourself some fitness or health goals, motivated and determined to reach them in 2020. No one expected the devastating impact of Coronavirus which has torn through the world. Now, facing 2021 we’re here to tell you to not give up. Lockdown and the tier restrictions might put some additional barriers in your way but if last year taught us anything it’s that we need to look after our health, bodies and minds more than ever. We might have to find a different path to that success but we’re determined to help you find it and support you along the way.

We’ve put together 4 ways to kick start 2021 to help you meet your goals whilst staying safe.

1. Setting realistic goals

The start of a new year seems to inject a blast of motivation into people who make large sweeping new year's resolutions. Come February most of those resolutions are back in the dusty box we keep in the shadows of our minds labeled; ‘maybe one day’. This year we need to be realistic, taking into account the fact we might be under tighter restrictions or complete lock down. When thinking about health goals start with some easy wins and increase the goal as the year goes on.

For instance: I’m going to try and lose 2lbs in January” seems much more achievable than “I’m going to lose 2 stone next year” however, if you continue to set yourself a 2lb target each month by this time next year you’ll be at that 2 stone target.

If you need the support then please join us on our quarterly 30 day challenges where our community becomes your compass.

2. The 3 Easy Wins

There are 3 things you can do from the start of 2021 that will result in a huge improvement to your health and wellbeing without spending a penny on new equipment or trainers.

  • Get at between 7-9hour of sleep every night

  • Move every day; walk, run, skip, dance. Any way is the right way as long as you’re moving

  • Eat well. Increase the fruit and veggies and reduce high sugar or processed foods.

3. Respect the rules

No one likes the restriction that we’re currently under, but they’re there to keep everyone safe and reduce the spread of coronavirus. Becoming unwell with Covid-19 is going to derail any aspirations you have in 2021 and also puts others at risk. Find out what the rules are in your area and stick to them. Most areas still allow for outside exercising with one other person which will help to keep you motivated and accountable to keep working towards your health goals.

4. Join our WFC community hub

We might not be able to cheer you on in person, but we can virtually! Share your goals and progress with us through our online community, where we can share tips and hints on reaching and staying on track with health and fitness goals. By joining an online community it also helps to reduce feelings of isolation or loneliness, especially if you’re living alone. We’re here to let you know we’re here for, you’re not alone.

Let’s kick start 2021 as we mean to go on; healthy, safe and strong.


Founder/ Head Coach

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2 commentaires

03 janv. 2021

Thanks Mike like most people I am really motivated just after Christmas as I have eaten drank too much and other than taking the dogs for a walk have done little exercise ! At the start of last year I was loving fit club even going to sunrise sessions then the whole world went mad and I found it difficult getting back into a healthy body healthy mind routine so having this challenge is really helping me take one day at a time so thank you so much for organising this xx


03 janv. 2021

Really great advice Mike, looking forward to setting my personal challenges and for me it’s also about sustainability. It’s easy to get into bad habits. Drinking more water, eating more fruit and veg and setting realistic goals will be my objectives. Thanks for all your support.

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